Cool comments ajax system

Button Login Facebook

In this section, we explain how you can to make that the button of login facebook is active.

1. You go to . Here you log in with your account of facebook.

2. You are identified in facebook. Then you go to and click in "Apps"-> "Created new app".

3. After, you have created your app facebook, now, you go to your App and click in "Settings".

4. In Settomg. you click in "add Platform" and click in "Website".

    4.1 Now, you have to insert in the text box "Site url" the url of your web, for example,

    4.2 In rhe text box, "App Domains", you have to insert the url of your web, for example,

    4.3 In the text box, "Contact Email", You have to insert your Email

    4.4 You make click in "Save settings".

5. You make click in "Status & Review"

    5.1 In the question "Do you want to make this app all its live features available to the general public?" , you change the            option "no" for "yes".

6. Now, you go yo Dashboard and you copy the text box of "App ID".

7. You go to /admin-comment/js/cool-comments.js and in the line six, you delete the number of appID and you paste your appID

// JavaScript Document 
/**************Function active upload*******/
/*facebook api*/
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId      : '1467775626793581',
status     : true, // check login status
cookie     : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session
 xfbml      : true  // parse XFBML

8. Finally, You save and upload the file in your server