A theme's demo content XML file can be found in the theme package you downloaded from ThemeForest or Creative Market. It will be in a folder titled "Dummy Content".
You will be redirected to this screen, where you can upload the demo xml to start the import process
In the new screen you can assign user(s) from your site to “receive” the demo content from us.
IMPORTANT: you need to click the “Download and import file attachments” option to import all the images from our demo.
click on Submit Button
Wait until you get this “All done. Have Fun” notice
To access the Administration you must go to the path where you installed the plugin.
For example: http://www.your-domain/directory path/admin-coolComment/
In the administration, you have sections diferents:
A common issue that can occur when installing a WordPress themes is “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.” error message being displayed when uploading or activating the theme.
More information:
reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your site from spam and abuse. It uses advanced risk analysis techniques to tell humans and bots apart. With the new API, a significant number of your valid human users will pass the reCAPTCHA challenge without having to solve a CAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA comes in the form of a widget that you can easily add to your blog, forum, registration form, etc
We just have to follow the steps and paste our site key in the adminsitracion, in the "Key reCAPTCHA" field
1 -. Ensure you have installed & activated the plugin called "WP Instagram Widget"
Once you activate the Breena theme, there will be a notification banner across the top recommending you install & activate particular plugins for the theme. One of which is the WP Instagram Widget plugin we've included stylings for in the theme. Be sure to install & activate this plugin.
2 -. Navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets
3 -. Drag the Instagram widget into the "Instagram Footer" widget area on the right.
4 -. Customize your Instagram Footer widget.
We recommend setting the "Number of photos" to be "6". And choosing "Large" for the "Photo size".
Cool comment's plugin is written in English, though you are of course welcome to translate them to your language. To do the translation in your language you have to do it in two ways, with Poedit and with jquery-i18n
Inside the Cool comment files you will find cool_comment.po and cool_comment.mo files in /assets/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES. This .po file is basically a list of all the text strings used in the plugins files in English language, and .mo file is just the compiled export from .po file. Unfortunately, you need to translate the files manually, and then you need to save each file in the appropriate path, taking into account the language code
For example:
You can find the right naming on this page.
So this is the full steps of translating the theme using Poedit:
It is also possible to translate other texts that are not available from Poedit, to translate these text you just have to go to the folder of the file that you have created and copy the file "Messages.properties" of the language en_GB and open it with a text editor.
I will install your WordPress Theme the RIGHT WAY!
Promotion: purchases to 31 December 2016
My service includes:
By default, your homepage will also display your post feed, listing all of your latest posts for visitors to see. If you would like to instead have your homepage be a static page and your post feed display on a separate page, you can follow these instructions.
First, create your new homepage and blog pages within WP Dashboard > Pages > Add New. For this tutorial, we will be naming our static homepage "Home" and our post feed page "Blog".
Next, navigate to Settings > Reading. At the top of this screen, you'll see a section titled "Front page displays". Click the little bubble next to the "A static page" option.
From this option's "Front page" drop-down menu, select your newly created "Home" page.
From the "Post page" drop-down menu, select your newly created "Blog" page.
Be sure to save changes when you're finished.
The last step involves adding your "Home" and "Blog" pages to your navigation menu. To do so, go to Appearance > Menus. Click the "Pages" drop-down menu on the left, check the boxes next to your "Home" and "Blog" pages, and add them to the menu. Drag and drop them to wherever you'd like them to be positioned in your menu. Be sure to save when finished.
Now, when you refresh your site, your homepage will display your newly created "Home" page and your "Blog" page will now display your post feed.
Applique’s theme is written in English, though you are of course welcome to translate them to your language. It’s possible to go through each theme file and manually the appropriate text elements using the program Poedit, or using WPML.
Inside the Applique main theme files you will find default.po and default.mo files. This .po file is basically a list of all the text strings used in the theme files in English language, and .mo file is just the compiled export from .po file and is used by WordPress to translate the theme. Unfortunately, you need to translate the files manually, and then you need to save the translation file with your language code,
For example: fr_FR.po or nl_NL.po
You can find the right naming on this page, just search for your language and then lookup the WordPress Locale column.
So this is the full steps of translating the theme using Poedit:
You will need to do this when new strings included after theme’s update. By doing this the Poedit will register new strings to your previously translated .po file, so you don’t need to do it again from scratch.
After you updated the theme on the new version, go to your theme files installation and navigate to Wp-Content > Themes > Breena > Languages. Open your file default.po (example fr_FR.po) using Poedit. Find update button on the top of the software windows and save your file after you translated the new strings.
We’ve worked directly with the WPML team to make Applique compatible with the popular WPML plugin. Below you will find documentation their team created for using WPML plugin with our theme. If you’ve purchased WPML and have any questions or issues, please check the links below.
To translate a page/posts you need to go to your WordPress Admin Panel –> Pages/Posts and in the list you will see columns for each active language, with a pencil icon (for ‘edit translation’) or a ‘+’ icon (for ‘add translation’) next to each page. Go ahead and edit or add the translated page for one of your page. if you want to use your existing page settings in the translated one you can duplicate the page by following this guide
More guides:
WPML can synchronize menus for you. This means that if some entries, for example some pages, posts or categories, are in the English menu, WPML can generate and keep in synch menus for other languages pointing to the translated versions of these pages, posts or categories.
From WordPress Appearance->Menus you can see your existing menus and add menu translations and synchronize menus across translations.
In this section, you learn how to install and to use the application in your web.
Remember: when you do a new installation the options of "Active Comments", "Facebook" and "Notifications" are disabled.
Version 1.3 – 18 March 2021:
Version 1.2.1 – 18 April 2018:
Version 1.2 – 6 March 2018:
Version 1.1 – 16 January 2018:
Version 1.0.9 – 15 October 2017:
Version 1.0.8 – 3 August 2017:
Version 1.0.7 – 23 March 2017:
Version 1.0.6 – 16 February 2017:
Version – 25 December 2016:
Version 1.0.5 – 7 December 2016:
Version 1.0.4 – 13 October 2016:
Version 1.0.3 – 22 September 2016:
Version 1.0.2 – 08 September 2016:
Version 1.0.1 – 31 August 2016:
Version 1.0 – 22 August 2016:
The header is probably one of the first things you will want to setup. The header consists of pretty much everything above and including the menu. There are many different elements to the header and many ways to customize it including colors, content, design and more. All of this is done via Apparence -> Customize -> Header Section.
You have four different header
This section is divided into 5 tabs. In each of them you can modify the options of this plugin.
In the Dasboard -> Apparence -> Customize -> Custom CSS
Add the following code (replacing XXXXXX by the code of the color you want):
.post-comments {background-color:#XXXXXX;}
$config = array( //type installation demo or production "installation" => "production", //data from the database //with this error Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) //test with host "" "db_host" => "localhost", //here, you have to write your name of user of your database "db_username" => "coolComments", //here, you have to write the password of your database "db_password" => "********", //here, you have to write the name of your database "db_database" => "coolComments", // server url and base path, usually you don't need to change this "base_url" => $urlBase, "base_path" => __DIR__, );
Finally, you have finished the installlation
WordPress child theme allows you to apply custom code changes to your site. Using a child theme ensures that all your customizations will not be overwritten even when you update the parent theme. Continue reading below to learn how to setup your own child theme.
A child theme is a theme that has all the functionality and styling of another theme called the parent theme, which in our case, is Breena. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying the code of an existing theme because a child theme preserves all custom code changes and modifications even after a theme update. If you modify code directly from a parent theme, then update the parent theme, your changes will be lost. Always use a child theme if you are modifying core code. Child themes can also be used for a number of things, such as custom CSS applications, template file modifications, and custom PHP functions and/or hooks. There are a couple of methods to modify a child theme. Child themes don’t guarantee that an update of custom code on the parent theme will not require further maintenance. This is especially true if you copy files from the parent theme to your child theme.
If you’d like to learn and read even more about child themes, please follow the links below.
You can see the containers that you have created. Also, you have the option to create a new container for other website.
1 - Here, you select the link "New"
2 - You will view a new window
3 - In this window, you write the name of container and press the insert button
4 - You copy of the section code
5 - Press the "Copy code" button
6 - Finally, you must paste the code on the web where you want to show the comments
If you have an old version of "Cool comments ajax system", you must follow the steps of the INSTALLATIONsection, the update will be done automatically.
The only configuration that will not be saved will be the data of the PHP Mailer, this data should be rewritten in the administration in the "Email" section
You may find that you'd like to create additional WordPress Users which can log into your WordPress Dashboard for a variety of reasons. For example, to contribute in writing posts or to troubleshoot technical issues you're experiencing.
Creating a new WP User and adjusting their permissions (or "Role") can allow you to not only ensure your own personal login details are kept safe, but help control what sort of changes the secondary user can make within your dashboard.
1 ) Navigate to WP Dashboard > Users
2 ) To create a new user, click the "Add New" button at the top of the page.
3 ) Enter the new Username and Email Address (required).
4 ) Fill in the user's personal details like Name and Website, if wanted (not required).
5 ) Click the "Show Password" button.
This will automatically generate a random password. If you are creating a password for a colleague, you can change it to whatever you wish. If you are creating a new WP User for a technical support representative to log in and troubleshoot an issue, it's fine to leave the temporary password as-is.
6 ) Choose if you'd like to email this person a notification (not required).
7 ) Select the user's Role.
There are 5 different WordPress User roles to choose from. Each role will affect what areas of the dashboard this person can access or control.
If you are creating a new WP User for a technical support representative, you will want to provide them with an "Administrator" role.
8 ) When finished, click the "Add New User" button.
You can always navigate back to the WP Dashboard > Users screen and select the user you would like to manage. Here, you can change a variety of personal details about the user, including their name, adding biographical author text, social media usernames, change passwords, and more.
Version 1.2 – 2021-March-15:
Version 1.1.3 – 2018-April-18:
Version 1.1.2 – 2018-March-6:
Version 1.1.1 – 2018-Frebruary-16:
Version 1.1 – 2018-January-17:
Version 1.0.11 – 2017-10-30:
Version 1.0.10 – 2017-08-03:
Version 1.0.9 – 2017-05-26:
Version 1.0.8 – 2017-03-23:
Version 1.0.7 – 2017-01-25:
Version 1.0.6 – 2017-01-12:
Version 1.0.5 – 2016-12-14:
Version 1.0.4 – 2016-12-07:
Version 1.0.3 – 2016-11-30:
Version 1.0.0 – 2016-11-14
By default, Elletta doesn't have a newsletter sign-up form included in the theme, however it is possible to add this functionality with the help of the Mailchimp for WordPress plugin.
In order to add a MailChimp newsletter sign-up form widget to your sidebar, you can follow the instructions below. We'll need to create a MailChimp Account, install the necessary plugin, and then set up your newsletter widget.
First, please ensure you have signed up and created an account with MailChimp. Once you have done so, your account will be given a unique "API Key" number. This API Key is used to link your MailChimp account to your WordPress.
To find your MailChimp API Key: Log into your MailChimp account > Your Account Page > Extras > API Keys > Create a key.
Next, you'll need to install the MailChimp for WordPress plugin onto your WordPress.
Installing the Mailchimp for WordPress plugin: Log into your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Search for term "MailChimp for WordPress" > Install Now > Activate Plugin.
Once installed, navigate to the plugin's Settings page. Here, you'll want to copy and paste your MailChimp account's API Key into the form and click "Save changes".
To customize your newsletter form, you can navigate to WP Dashboard > MailChimp for WP > Forms. On this screen, you can determine just how your newsletter form displays.
Copy and paste the following HTML code into the box on this page:
<p> <label>Subscribe to my Newsletter</label> /* this line is optional */ <input type="email" id="mc4wp_email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Your email address" required=""> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Subscribe"> </p
This will have your widget display a heading of "Subscribe to my Newsletter", an email input field, and a submit button. Save changes when finished.
Lastly, navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
A new widget titled "MailChimp Sign-Up Form" will have appeared. Drag and drop this widget into your Sidebar or Footer area.
If you'd like help changing the colors or styling of the newsletter widget, feel free to open up a new support ticket and let us know!
WordPress child theme allows you to apply custom code changes to your site. Using a child theme ensures that all your customizations will not be overwritten even when you update the parent theme. Continue reading below to learn how to setup your own child theme.
A child theme is a theme that has all the functionality and styling of another theme called the parent theme, which in our case, is Breena. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying the code of an existing theme because a child theme preserves all custom code changes and modifications even after a theme update. If you modify code directly from a parent theme, then update the parent theme, your changes will be lost. Always use a child theme if you are modifying core code. Child themes can also be used for a number of things, such as custom CSS applications, template file modifications, and custom PHP functions and/or hooks. There are a couple of methods to modify a child theme. Child themes don’t guarantee that an update of custom code on the parent theme will not require further maintenance. This is especially true if you copy files from the parent theme to your child theme.
If you’d like to learn and read even more about child themes, please follow the links below.
Whether you're brand new to WordPress or would just like a quick lesson on basic Breena theme features, you're in the right place! Below, we'll go through a number of how-tos regarding standard theme functions, from installing the theme to setting up your sidebar, recipe card, and more.
Whether you're brand new to WordPress or would just like a quick lesson on basic Elletta theme features, you're in the right place! Below, we'll go through a number of how-tos regarding standard theme functions, from installing the theme to setting up your sidebar, recipe card, and more.
When you purchase a Elletta license from Creative Market download the theme package, you will receive a zipped folder.
Unzip this first folder.
Within the unzipped theme package, you will find a number of folders such as demo content, documentation, logo image files, etc. There is also 1 additional zipped folder within, titled "elletta.zip".
Important: DO NOT unzip this "elletta.zip" folder! This particular .zip folder should remain zipped.
"elletta.zip" is the main theme.
Within your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Appearance > Themes.
Click the "Add New" button at the top-left of the page > Click the "Upload Theme" button at the top.
Click "Choose File" > find your zipped "elletta.zip" file > Click the "Install Now" button.
Once the theme is successfully installed on your WordPress, you can "Activate" it via the installation page or via Appearance > Themes to switch over and begin using your Elletta theme!
Please note: If you try installing the entire zipped theme package or another incorrect file, you'll likely receive this error message:
"The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. Theme install failed."
If you receive this error message, please be sure that you're installing the ZIPPED file titled "elletta.zip".
Elletta has the possibility to create 7 different types of posts: standard, audio, sound could, video, gallery, quote, and link.
In order to activate these post options, you'll first want to ensure you've installed & activated the required Meta Box plugin. This plugin comes included with the theme.
When you first activate Elletta, you should notice a banner notification across the top of your dashboard advising you to install specific required & recommended plugins.
Install & activate the Meta Box plugin by clicking the "Begin installing plugins" link. Check the boxes next to the plugins > select "Install" from the drop-down menu > and click "Apply".
After, follow the same steps yet select "Activate" from the drop-down menu (plugins need to be both installed AND activated to function).
To create a new post, go to WordPress Dashboard > Posts > Add New.
Above your content box & toolbar, you'll see a series of tabs titled Standard, Gallery, Video, and Audio. Select whichever tab you'd like your post format to be in. Each tab will give you different input boxes depending on the content you'd like to add.
A standard post is the default post type.
You can add text and images to your post using the tools and content box.
Example of a standard post: http://elletta.tuweb4.com/bay-come-on-home/
A gallery post allows you to create a slideshow-type gallery at the top of your post. After clicking the "Gallery" tab to choose this post format option, click the "Pick Images" button within the "Gallery Images" box that has appeared. Select whatever images you'd like from your WordPress Media Library.
Example of a gallery post: http://elletta.tuweb4.com/coffee-table-jazz/
A video post displays a video at the top of your post. You can share videos from nearly all video hosting sites, such as Vimeo or Youtube. Simply copy & paste the video's URL, oembed code, or embed code into the special input box. When you preview or publish your post, the video will appear.
Example of a video post: http://elletta.tuweb4.com/heal-tomorrow/
An audio post allows you to share a music or audio track and displays it at the top of the post. Like the video post, simply copy & paste the track's URL, oembed code, or embed code into the special audio input box. When you preview or publish the post, the track will appear.
Example of an audio post: http://elletta.tuweb4.com/panda-desiigner/ - http://elletta.tuweb4.com/fade-to-black/
Once you've determined your desired post format, entered your title, and added your content, remember to assign at least 1 category to your post. Additionally, also ensure you assign a featured image to the post.
Once you're finished preparing your post, you can click "Preview" to preview how your post will look once published onto your site, click "Publish" to have it appear on your site, or click "Save Draft" to save your post as it is, though not publish it yet.
A standard, static page is similar to creating a post in many ways, and is ideal for creating an About Me or Contact section to your website.
You can create any number of pages with content. Elletta includes several options to choose from, and you will need to choose the page template that suits your needs. All of this is done in the pages section of your WordPress Admin.
To change the settings pages go to Apperance – > Customize -> Pages Settings.
Once you've published your new page, it will not automatically appear in your main menu. For a tutorial on adding items to your main menu, please check out this FAQ article: How do I set up my navigation menu?
A category page is a dynamic page that pulls in all of your posts assigned with a particular category.
You do not create a category page like you would a standard page (described above).
A category page is generated by WordPress after you add a category to your main menu.
First, ensure you've assigned the category to at least 1 published post.
Then, navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Menus and click the drop-down box heading titled "Categories" on the left of the page. Below, your categories will be listed. Check the box next to your desired category and click "Add to Menu". Be sure to save.
When you click on the newly-created menu item, it will take you to that category's page.
For more information on creating a category page, please check out: How do I set up my navigation menu?
Category Pages which display all posts related to a particular category, Tag Pages which display all posts related to a particular tag, Author Pages which display all posts related to a particular author, etc., are called "Archive Pages".
To change the page layout of your archive pages, head to Appearance > Customize > Page Settings > and choose from the layout options within the "Layout Page" section.
Here, you can also enable or disable the sidebar from displaying on Archive pages.
Your homepage is the first page visitors will see when they arrive at your website. By default, the homepage will be the page that also displays all of your posts, beginning with the most recent. We call this feature the "post feed".
To customize how your homepage looks, including its layout, colors, enabling/disabling the sidebar, etc., navigate to WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize
Under the various drop-down tabs on the left of this screen, you'll find loads of ways to customize your homepage & website in general.
For example, within the "Home Settings" tab, you can choose your homepage's post layout, enable/disable the sidebar and Home Layout
Be sure to explore the various options within this Customizer section. The live preview on the right will show you a preview of how each adjustment will visually affect your site.
If you'd like your homepage to instead be a static page and have your post feed display on another page entirely, please check out our tutorial here: How to create a static homepage & separate blog page.
It is very easy to create the Sliders on the Home page, let’s look at three steps how to configure and create the Slider.
Firstly, you ave to go to Apperance > Customize > Home sliders Setting where you can ckeck the appearance that it has in the next image:
Following the image order, we chose whether we want to show or nor the slider at home page, if you want it in Box format and if finally you want to show ii for mobile devices
After it you have Slider Transition, which I list below
The rest of availabe options, as autoplay, shown autor, categories, date and size of the title source
As far we have indicated how visitors will see the slider in the web, now we need to indicate the information to show, which will be the third step
Finally we indicate the infomation that the slider will show, we will see the Post Sliders
You can see the different options Apparence > Customize > Featured Area Settings
You just have to try the different options. Everything is very visual
Setting up Elletta's main menu is quite simple! For a walk-through on how to go about it as well as more specific how-to tutorials, please check out: How do I set up my navigation menu?
Assigning a featured image to your posts is very important, as the featured image is what the theme & other web functions use to visually represent the post in various situations.
For a walk-through on where and how to assign a featured image, please take a look at: How do I add a Featured Image?
Navigate to Appearance > Customize > Social Media Settings.
Here, you will see a list of social networks followed by a text input box. If you'd like to have a social icon for a particular social network, you can type in your username for that particular network.
Please note that you do not need to insert your profile's full URL into this box unless prompted to do so. Only your related username is required. The username you enter will be added into a pre-set URL for the network.
Once you enter your username into a particular social network's text box, its icon will appear in your top-bar & footer social icon areas. If you leave a social network's box blank, the social icon will not appear in the top-bar or footer areas.
To add the social icon widget to your sidebar, navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
Drag the widget titled "elletta - Social Media Icons" into your Sidebar's widget area. Check the box for the social networks you'd like to display in the widget.
Please be sure you've also entered your related social networks' usernames within Appearance > Customize > Social Media Settings, otherwise the social widget's icons won't know where to link.
Elletta includes many widget areas. You can use them for diffrent pages. The below image presents all widgets that are used for the sidebars
To set up your widget, navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > and drag & drop the "elletta - widget" widget into the sidebar area.
Elletta includes custom stylings for the "MailChimp for WordPress" plugin which allows you to display a beautiful newsletter sign-up form. You can insert this form within the Sidebar area, in a special widget area beneath the Featured Area element, or in a special widget area beneath a Post on its singular post page.
For steps on setting your newsletter form up, please check out this article: How to setup Elletta's newsletter widget
A sidebar is a vertical content area that displays to the right of your main content/post area. You customize your sidebar by stacking up different widgets that display a variety of things.
To enable/disable the sidebar on your homepage and/or your archive pages (category pages, tag pages, etc.) navigate to
WP Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Home Settings. Here, you can check or un-check the boxes next to "Configure Home Sidebar"
WP Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Page Settings. Here, you can check or un-check the boxes next to "Configure Page Sidebar"
WP Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Post Settings. Here, you can check or un-check the boxes next to "Configure Post Sidebar"
To add, remove, or edit your sidebar widgets, navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
On the left, you will see a list of the available widgets to choose from.
On the right, you will see a few different widget areas in the theme.
To add a widget to your sidebar, simply drag & drop a widget on the left into the widget area titled "Sidebar".
Once you've dropped a widget into the Sidebar widget area, click on its heading. A drop-down will appear and you can make any necessary adjustments to the widget's settings. From this widget setting drop-down, you can also delete the widget.
To position widgets within the sidebar, drag and drop them above or below each other.
The header is probably one of the first things you will want to setup. The header consists of pretty much everything above and including the menu. There are many different elements to the header and many ways to customize it including colors, content, design and more. All of this is done via Apparence -> Customize -> Header Section. The following sections will cover several different sections of the header that are listed below:
The footer area is the lower portion of the theme that will appear on all pages of your site. It can include:
Elletta includes custom stylings for the "MailChimp for WordPress" plugin which allows you to display a beautiful newsletter sign-up form. You can insert this form within the Sidebar area, in a special widget area beneath the Featured Area element, or in a special widget area beneath a Post on its singular post page.
For steps on setting your newsletter form up, please check out this article: How to setup Elletta's newsletter widget
Similar to the section above regarding "Setting up your Sidebar", the footer has a widget area titled "Instagram Footer" where you can add in a widget to display your Instagram images in a full-width section.
The widget is simply called "Instagram" and is made available after installing & activating the plugin called WP Instagram Widget.
To add the Instagram widget, navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
On the right, you'll see the theme's different widget areas. One of which is the widget area titled "Instagram Footer".
Drag the "Instagram" widget from the left of this screen into the "Instagram Footer" widget area. To edit the widget's settings, click on the widget's heading once it's been placed in a widget area. A drop-down area will appear.
To have your Instagram footer display like the Elletta demo site's, set the "Number of photos" option to be "6". Set the "Photo Size" to "Large" and give the widget a "Title" if you'd like the white text box overlay to appear on top of the images.
At the very bottom of the theme is a bar which features a text area to include copyright or disclaimer text. You are not required to include a copyright or disclaimer statement. In fact, you can type whatever you'd like in this area!
To edit the two footer text areas, look within
WP Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Footer Settings.
For help troubleshooting issues in Elletta or to see some fun customization tutorials, check out all of Elletta's FAQ Articles here! Elletta Articles
And, as always, if you have any theme-related questions you can't find the solution to in our FAQ article database, you're always welcome to open up a new support ticket.
This is the homepage, when you enter in the aplicattion, after you write your login and password, you see is page.
In the page have three elements, there are Settings, Comments and Containers.
In the setting, you configure the count of administrator, you have custom settings and you can design the options of comments.
In the Comments you can to see the comments of user and you can to configure options of comments.
In the containers. you can to create and to see containers.
IMPORTANT! It is possible that after theme activation are images wrongly cropped and look ugly!
In this case use this plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/ to regenerate old thumbnails from previous theme. After plugin installation start regeneration in Tools > Regen. Thumbnails This process can take a while and you cannot close tab/window until regeneration is done.
Images and thumbnails are generated automatically.
To display thumbnails correctly upload images via WP interface using "Set featured image" button. After image upload set featured image.
Follow the steps to create a Facebook APP: https://developers.facebook.com/quickstarts/?platform=web
Create an application with the name you want
Write the captcha
Choose session start with Facebook
Choose Web
Fill in the form data
Fill in these data, they are important
Configure the options as they come in the image, in the field of "URI of valid OAuth redirection", paste the value that you have in the Admin in the section Setting-> Social login "Facebook Callback URL"
You can to see all comments, the comments approved. The comments pending and the comments spam.
You can delete the comments.
You can active the comments.
You can see the information of each comment, such as the date, if someone has answered this comment, the user.
PHPMailer is a code library to send (transport) emails safely and easily via PHP code from a web server (MUA to the MSA server).
Sending emails directly by PHP code requires a high-level familiarity to SMTP standard protocol (RFC 821, RFC 2821 and RFC 5321) and related issues (such as Carriage return) and vulnerabilities about Email injection for spamming. From 2001 PHPMailer is one of the popular solutions for these matters on PHP.
You can see examples of use here
It can be done with the custom css. In your Dashboard: Apparence -> Customize -> Custom CSS
Use this code for a background image
body { background-image: url('url-image'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-attachment: fixed; }
Use this code for a background pattern
body { background-image: url('url-image'); background-repeat: repeat; }
A Featured Image is a representative picture for your post which is used in a number of areas & functions, like on the homepage, post page, related post areas, recent post widgets, featured area sliders, etc..
To assign a Featured Image to a post, navigate to your post's create/edit screen and look to the bottom-right. Here, you'll see a box titled "Featured Image" where you can add your desired image. Be sure to update your post when you're finished.
Our Theme uses wordpress built-in menus feature which can be found in your wordpress Dashboard > Appearance > Menus. To setup a new menu, please follow the steps below. Its best to already have your pages created, even if they are blank pages.
For more information on menus in WordPress, check out:
In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a new page:
Breena includes custom stylings for the "MailChimp for WordPress" plugin which allows you to display a beautiful newsletter sign-up form. You can insert this form within the Sidebar area, in a special widget area beneath the Featured Area element, or in a special widget area beneath a Post on its singular post page.
For steps on setting your newsletter form up, please check out this article: How to setup Breena's newsletter widget
Applique’s theme is written in English, though you are of course welcome to translate them to your language. It’s possible to go through each theme file and manually the appropriate text elements using the program Poedit, or using WPML.
Inside the Applique main theme files you will find default.po and default.mo files. This .po file is basically a list of all the text strings used in the theme files in English language, and .mo file is just the compiled export from .po file and is used by WordPress to translate the theme. Unfortunately, you need to translate the files manually, and then you need to save the translation file with your language code,
For example: fr_FR.po or nl_NL.po
You can find the right naming on this page, just search for your language and then lookup the WordPress Locale column.
So this is the full steps of translating the theme using Poedit:
You will need to do this when new strings included after theme’s update. By doing this the Poedit will register new strings to your previously translated .po file, so you don’t need to do it again from scratch.
After you updated the theme on the new version, go to your theme files installation and navigate to Wp-Content > Themes > Breena > Languages. Open your file default.po (example fr_FR.po) using Poedit. Find update button on the top of the software windows and save your file after you translated the new strings.
We’ve worked directly with the WPML team to make Applique compatible with the popular WPML plugin. Below you will find documentation their team created for using WPML plugin with our theme. If you’ve purchased WPML and have any questions or issues, please check the links below.
To translate a page/posts you need to go to your WordPress Admin Panel –> Pages/Posts and in the list you will see columns for each active language, with a pencil icon (for ‘edit translation’) or a ‘+’ icon (for ‘add translation’) next to each page. Go ahead and edit or add the translated page for one of your page. if you want to use your existing page settings in the translated one you can duplicate the page by following this guide
More guides:
WPML can synchronize menus for you. This means that if some entries, for example some pages, posts or categories, are in the English menu, WPML can generate and keep in synch menus for other languages pointing to the translated versions of these pages, posts or categories.
From WordPress Appearance->Menus you can see your existing menus and add menu translations and synchronize menus across translations.
By default, Elletta doesn't have a newsletter sign-up form included in the theme, however it is possible to add this functionality with the help of the Mailchimp for WordPress plugin.
In order to add a MailChimp newsletter sign-up form widget to your sidebar, you can follow the instructions below. We'll need to create a MailChimp Account, install the necessary plugin, and then set up your newsletter widget.
First, please ensure you have signed up and created an account with MailChimp. Once you have done so, your account will be given a unique "API Key" number. This API Key is used to link your MailChimp account to your WordPress.
To find your MailChimp API Key: Log into your MailChimp account > Your Account Page > Extras > API Keys > Create a key.
Next, you'll need to install the MailChimp for WordPress plugin onto your WordPress.
Installing the Mailchimp for WordPress plugin: Log into your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Search for term "MailChimp for WordPress" > Install Now > Activate Plugin.
Once installed, navigate to the plugin's Settings page. Here, you'll want to copy and paste your MailChimp account's API Key into the form and click "Save changes".
To customize your newsletter form, you can navigate to WP Dashboard > MailChimp for WP > Forms. On this screen, you can determine just how your newsletter form displays.
Copy and paste the following HTML code into the box on this page:
<p> <label>Subscribe to my Newsletter</label> /* this line is optional */ <input type="email" id="mc4wp_email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Your email address" required=""> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Subscribe"> </p>
This will have your widget display a heading of "Subscribe to my Newsletter", an email input field, and a submit button. Save changes when finished.
Lastly, navigate to WP Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
A new widget titled "MailChimp Sign-Up Form" will have appeared. Drag and drop this widget into your Sidebar or Footer area.
If you'd like help changing the colors or styling of the newsletter widget, feel free to open up a new support ticket and let us know!
First, please be sure that you have installed and activated the Contact Form 7 plugin.
Along the top of the contact form's settings box, there are 4 tabs: Form, Mail, Messages, and AdditionalSettings.
"Form" tab: you can choose how your contact form will display with some simple HTML code.
"Mail" tab: you can set up who your messages are sent to and how they will be displayed.
IMPORTANT! Please be sure to navigate to the "Mail" tab and insert your own email address within the "To:" form. "Messages" tab: Adjust default messages visitors will receive in various situations. "Additional Settings" tab: Option to add custom code snippets if desired.