
3.2 - Settings

This section is divided into 5 tabs. In each of them you can modify the options of this plugin.

  1. General
    - Your email: The administrator's email, where all the plugin emails arrive
    - Password: The password to enter the administrator can be changed by pressing the "Change password" button
    - Alert email: Send email for new comment
    - Url user: Users can add their url
    - Response notification: Alert user for response
    - Active comments: Disable comments no approve
    - Show user image: Show the user's picture in the comments
    - Active reCAPTCHA
    - Key reCAPTCHA
    Create reCAPTCHA
  2. Language
    - Language: Choose the language of Cool Comment
    - Language datatables: Choose the language of DataTables
    - Timezone: Choose the time frame of the Cool Comment
    Bad words
    - Filter bad words: Disable filter bad words
    - Censored word: String to replace the word bad
    - Bad words: List of bad words
  3. Style: Change the styles of the administration and the comment page
    - Layout Cool Comment (admin): Choose between boxed or fluid
    - Theme Cool Comment (admin): Choose theme Cool Comment
    - Header Fixed
    - Footer Fixed
    - Main button color
    - Color hover main button
    - Color line
    - Color background
    - Color background comment
    - Color background comment 1nd child
    - Color background comment 2nd child
    - Color text
    - Color text button
    - Color inside comment
    Colors mobile
    - Color background comment
    - Color background comment 1nd child
    - Color background comment 2nd child
    Image comment
    - Change icon
  4. Social login
    - Active Gravatar
    What is gravatar
    - Active facebook
    - Facebook App ID
    - Facebook Callback URL
    Create App Facebook
  5. Email
    - Send email with: Set the sender's email
    - Alias email: Set the name of the sender
    Email template
    - Image of the email header
    - Text footer email template
    Config PHPMailer: For more information about PHPMailer: https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer
    - Active PHPMailer: If it is disabled, will use the function mail() of PHP by default
    - Email template coding
    - Hostname of the mail server
    - Username to use for SMTP authentication
    - Password to use for SMTP authentication
    - Set the SMTP port number: Likely to be 25, 465 or 587
    - Set the encryption system to use: ssl (deprecated) or tls
    - Enable SMTP debugging
    - Whether to use SMTP authentication
    - Opportunistic TLS