7 - Language
Cool comment's plugin is written in English, though you are of course welcome to translate them to your language. To do the translation in your language you have to do it in two ways, with Poedit and with jquery-i18n
Using Poedit
Inside the Cool comment files you will find cool_comment.po and cool_comment.mo files in /assets/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES. This .po file is basically a list of all the text strings used in the plugins files in English language, and .mo file is just the compiled export from .po file. Unfortunately, you need to translate the files manually, and then you need to save each file in the appropriate path, taking into account the language code
For example:
You can find the right naming on this page.
So this is the full steps of translating the theme using Poedit:
- Get Poedit, you can get here http://poedit.net/
- We will create a new translation with poedit. Open poedit. File - > New front POT/PO file...
- When you are done translating all needed strings save each file in the appropriate path, taking into account the language code for example france: /assets/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/cool_comment.po
- Now in the administrator you must choose the language that you have created.
Using jquery-i18n
It is also possible to translate other texts that are not available from Poedit, to translate these text you just have to go to the folder of the file that you have created and copy the file "Messages.properties" of the language en_GB and open it with a text editor.