  Ticket Público #1206937
widgets visibility


  • electra Comenzaste la conversación


    I have a number of widgets on my site's sidebar. The "about me", Instagram, Facebook, newletter, to name a few. 

    They all appear on my homepage. 

    On other pages and posts though, the only 2 that are visible are the "about me" and the newsletter widget, which is text btw.

    Why all the other aren't visible? How can I make them visible to all posts and pages?


  •  63
    TW4 Respondiste


    The sidebar of the home is different from the sidebar of the rest of the pages.
    For the rest of the pages: you have to add the widget in Sidebar (Detail Page)

    • Sidebar: only Home
    • Sidebar (Detail Page): For all others
    • Sidebar (Woocommerce): your shop, only woocommerce page


    Dasboard - > Apparence -> Widgets: You can see these three sidebars

  • electra Respondiste

    ok, it worked, thanx!

    can i exclude a page though? for example, in terms and conditions, i don't want the widgets to be visible. how can i do that?

  •  63
    TW4 Respondiste


    Sorry but it is not possible to disable the sidebar on any of the pages.