Breena Theme
Beginning Basics: Getting Started with Breena Whether you're brand new to WordPress or would just like a quick lesson on basic Breena theme features, you're in the right place! Below, we'll go through a number of how-tos regarding standard theme functions, from installi ...
Changelog Version 1.3 – 18 March 2021: CSS updatedAdd Plugin Instagram, NewWP 5.7.x compatibilityGutembert compatibilityVersion 1.2.1 – 18 April 2018: Style sheet updateUpdated language fileSolved problem with https in social net ...
How do I translate my Breena's Theme to another language? Applique’s theme is written in English, though you are of course welcome to translate them to your language. It’s possible to go through each theme file and manually the appropriate text elements using the program Poedit ...
How do I set up Breena's Instagram footer widget? SETTING UP BREENA'S INSTAGRAM FOOTER1 -. Ensure you have installed & activated the plugin called "WP Instagram Widget" Once you activate the Breena theme, there will be a notification banner across the top recommend ...
Setting up your Newletter Widget Breena includes custom stylings for the "MailChimp for WordPress" plugin which allows you to display a beautiful newsletter sign-up form. You can insert this form within the Sidebar area, in a special widget area beneath th ...
How to change the background color of the comment section? In the Dasboard -> Apparence -> Customize -> Custom CSS Add the following code (replacing XXXXXX by the code of the color you want): .post-comments {background-color:#XXXXXX;}
How to create a static homepage & separate blog page? By default, your homepage will also display your post feed, listing all of your latest posts for visitors to see. If you would like to instead have your homepage be a static page and your post feed display on a separate page, ...
How To Import XML Files? In the Tools tab in your admin sidebar, click Import.On the Import page, select WordPress from the list and install the WordPress Importer Plugin.Click Choose File, then choose the breena-dummy-content.xml file from your desi ...
Creating additional WordPress Users You may find that you'd like to create additional WordPress Users which can log into your WordPress Dashboard for a variety of reasons. For example, to contribute in writing posts or to troubleshoot technical issues you're e ...
Breena Child Theme WordPress child theme allows you to apply custom code changes to your site. Using a child theme ensures that all your customizations will not be overwritten even when you update the parent theme. Continue reading below to lea ...
How to Paginate a Post? In order to paginate your blog post, in the Write panel in your WordPress admin, switch to the TEXT view (if you are using the Visual view) and then enter the following code to wherever you want to break the post up into a ne ...
How do I set up my navigation menu? Our Theme uses wordpress built-in menus feature which can be found in your wordpress Dashboard > Appearance > Menus. To setup a new menu, please follow the steps below. Its best to already have your pages created, even if the ...
How do I create a Contact page? First, please be sure that you have installed and activated the Contact Form 7 plugin. Creating the form On your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to Contact > Add NewIf you would like your contact form to di ...
How do I import the demo content? A theme's demo content XML file can be found in the theme package you downloaded from ThemeForest or Creative Market. It will be in a folder titled "Dummy Content". On your WordPress dashboard in the left-hand menu, select ...
Add a newsletter sign-up form to Breena By default, Elletta doesn't have a newsletter sign-up form included in the theme, however it is possible to add this functionality with the help of the Mailchimp for WordPress plugin. In order to add a MailChimp newsl ...
WordPress Theme Installation (Incl. Demo Content and plugins) I will install your WordPress Theme the RIGHT WAY! Promotion: purchases to 31 December 2016 My service includes: Installation of Breena WordPress Theme. Customization of your Theme as the exact look and feel of the dem ...
How to Include Google Analytics Tracking Code? Copy the code given to you by Google AnalyticsGo to WordPress > Appearance > Customize > Custom Javascript > look towards for Header Code box.Paste your Google Analytics (or other) tracking code here. This code will auto ...
How to Include Custom CSS? Go to WordPress > Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS > look towards for Header Code box.Paste your Custom CSS.Click Save Changes. That’s it!
How can I customize the background to the body? It can be done with the custom css. In your Dashboard: Apparence -> Customize -> Custom CSS Use this code for a background image body { background-image: url('url-image'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size ...
Images IMPORTANT! It is possible that after theme activation are images wrongly cropped and look ugly! In this case use this plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/ to regenerate old thumbnails from pre ...
How do I add a Featured Image? What is a Featured Image? A Featured Image is a representative picture for your post which is used in a number of areas & functions, like on the homepage, post page, related post areas, recent post widgets, featured area sli ...
Theme is missing the style.css stylesheet error A common issue that can occur when installing a WordPress themes is “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.” error message being displayed when uploading or activating the the ...