Cool comments ajax system
0 - SUMMARY Please, read you this section carefully. In this section, you learn how to install and to use the application in your web. For to install, you have all information about the installation in the section INSTALLATIONFor t ...
1 - INSTALLATION Unzip folderRename the admin-coolComment/assets/config/example_config.php file to config.phpOpen config.php and set your database configuration.Use the following code to connect the database in config.php $config = ar ...
2 - UPDATE COOL COMMENT If you have an old version of "Cool comments ajax system", you must follow the steps of the INSTALLATIONsection, the update will be done automatically. The only configuration that will not be saved will be the data of the PH ...
3 - ADMINISTRATION To access the Administration you must go to the path where you installed the plugin. For example: http://www.your-domain/directory path/admin-coolComment/ In the administration, you have sections diferents: DashboardThis i ...
3.1 - Dashboard This is the homepage, when you enter in the aplicattion, after you write your login and password, you see is page. In the page have three elements, there are Settings, Comments and Containers. In the setting, you configure ...
3.2 - Settings This section is divided into 5 tabs. In each of them you can modify the options of this plugin. General- Your email: The administrator's email, where all the plugin emails arrive- Password: The password to enter the admini ...
3.3 - Comments You can to see all comments, the comments approved. The comments pending and the comments spam. You can delete the comments. You can active the comments. You can see the information of each comment, such as the date, ...
3.4 - Containers You can see the containers that you have created. Also, you have the option to create a new container for other website. 1 - Here, you select the link "New"2 - You will view a new window3 - In this window, you write the name ...
4 - Login Facebook Follow the steps to create a Facebook APP: https://developers.facebook.com/quickstarts/?platform=web Create an application with the name you want Write the captcha Choose session start with Facebook Choose Web F ...
5 - Create reCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your site from spam and abuse. It uses advanced risk analysis techniques to tell humans and bots apart. With the new API, a significant number of your valid human users will pass the ...
6 - PHPMailer PHPMailer is a code library to send (transport) emails safely and easily via PHP code from a web server (MUA to the MSA server). Sending emails directly by PHP code requires a high-level familiarity to SMTP standard protoc ...
7 - Language Cool comment's plugin is written in English, though you are of course welcome to translate them to your language. To do the translation in your language you have to do it in two ways, with Poedit and with jquery-i18n Using ...